Joie Box Cheer

sku: P1205AALEX000 | ean: 5056080606835

Box Joie Cheer

A fun space, designed to be the ideal place for the day and for a safe nap, adventures for little explorers and afternoon naps.


  • A simple and modern design
  • Removable mattress for play and nap time
  • Mesh lining for ventilation on all 4 sides
  • Carry handle for travel and storage
  • Zip opening for easy access
  • Two soft toys fixed on the play area


Play date, nap buddy

This comfortable and airy playpen entertains and learns, engages little ones during playtime and sends them into the world of dreams at nap time

A cheerful cube
Inside to lie down and wriggle, for a nap or to play

Playtime meets adventure time
To keep little ones safe while letting their imagination run wild, this cheerful and picturesque print transforms the halftone traditional in magical adventures


13 Kg
Child weight
15 kg
Age range


Min/max child weight

In use

Dimensions in use (L x W x H)
l 96 x p 96 x h 76 cm